User Options

The options listed here can all be set or changed from the options dialogue box accessed from the options button on the ribbon or toolbar.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The user can reassign the keyboard shortcuts or turn them off.

Outlook Commands

Print Just 1 can be set to intercept Outlook’s standard print commands including

  • the toolbar buttons
  • the quick print button
  • the context menu print button
  • the file print menu (in versions prior to Outlook 2010)

This can be very useful to ensure the user does not fail to use Print Just 1 simply out of habit.

This option can be set centrally for all users in the company. If it is turned on at the company level the tick box is ticked but greyed out so the user cannot change it.

Calculate savings

If this feature is turned on Print Just 1 will count the number of pages needed if the email were to be printed in full, and the number of characters. If unwanted text is found then the number of pages and characters that would be left after trimming is also counted so savings can be calculated. The user can indicate whether the printer prints on both sides of the paper and the calculations of savings will reflect this.

This option is available with Outlook 2007 and upwards.

This option can be set centrally for all users in the company. If it is turned on at the company level the tick box is ticked but greyed out so the user cannot change it.

Discard Points

Besides trimming unwanted previous email messages Print Just 1 can trim other unwanted text such as confidentiality warnings and disclaimers.

It does this by searching the email for any of the text items listed in the discard points grid. Users can add to the list the starting phrase of any such text they regularly receive. Care should be taken not to enter a phrase that might occur in the body of the email that you want to keep.

Print Just 1 searches first for the text as printed than for it in all upper case.

Note for system managers: The Discard Points are stored in the file PrintPage1DiscardPoints.xml which is in the My Documents folder. If you have developed a set of discard points which you want everyone to use simply distribute this file to all users.

Explanation on printouts

By default, Print Just 1 adds a footer to printouts that have been trimmed in order to explain what has happened.

You may decide that this is unnecessary and can turn it off here.

Print on arrival

If this option is turned on a single copy of each email will be printed as it arrives with all potentially unwanted text trimmed off. A further option will cause a dialog to pop up when an email is sent, asking the user to confirm whether it should be printed and set the number of copies.

Print on send

If this option is turned on a single copy of each email sent will be printed before it is sent with all potentially unwanted text trimmed off.

Print Pages

If this option is turned on a an extra option is added to the print dialogue box when potential savings are found and there is more than one page in the email.

This option requires Microsoft Word to be present on the computer. It is available with Outlook 2007 and upwards.

Treat all messages as read-only

During evaluation this option is OFF by default. This means that when working with messages in the Inbox you can see any trimming take place in the preview pane. Once the printing is done it restores the full text and re-saves the message.

This makes it easier to understand what PJ1 does but does run a risk of problems as the trimmed message has to restored and re-saved, particularly when dealing with messages that are digitally signed. For this reason once PJ1 is licenced the default setting is changed to ON.

Emails in all other folders are always treated as read-only. This means that PJ1 trims and prints a copy of the email rather than the email itself.

If you turn on the option to treat ALL messages as read-only then those in the Inbox will be treated the same as the others – there will be no on-screen preview of the trimming and there should be no problems with trimming, restoring and saving messages.

Once you have changed the option yourself the defaults will no longer apply.


Here it is possible to delete the registration settings from both the local machine and the central database. This will be useful when a member of staff leaves, and the company wants their registration to available for another member.